Acne Treatment

Acne treatment

Acne treatment

Start acne treatment early

Acne vulgaris, commonly known as pimples, usually peaks during puberty due to the hormonal changes. Many teenagers start to see pimples on their face but not all seek acne treatment early. They tend to self medicate with over-the-counter acne creams; unaware that medical treatment is available. It is important to emphasize that acne treatment should be initiated early to reduce scars. Acne is much easier to treat at the early stages. However, the same cannot be said for acne scars.

What causes acne?

Acne is a result of the peak of androgens (a type of male hormones) in our body. During puberty, the levels of androgens in our body are high. Late nights, a busy work schedule or stressful situations such as exams will cause the same hormones to peak. Recent studies have also shown that certain high Glycemic Index (GI) foods have been associated with the rise of androgens and acne as well. There is some truth when some adults think that fast food is a cause of their pimples. The hormones cause our skin to produce more sebum and a reduced cell turnover causes a build up of comedones. In the presence of Propionibacterium Acnes (bacteria causing acne), the comedone becomes inflamed and a pimple is formed.

Examples of food with high glycemic index

Examples of food with high glycemic index

What are your options for acne treatment?

The basis of acne treatment works on three things. Reduce sebum, increase cell turnover and diminish the levels of P acnes. This can be achieved with many ways. You can apply topical acne creams daily. Arium Essentials Cell Renewal is a good option. If your acne is severe or not responding well to creams, you can consider oral medications as a treatment option. Some patients come in for chemical peels, LED and laser treatment for synergistic effect and to treat their acne scars. LED light in the spectrum of blue and red wavelengths have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

During the first consultation with our doctor, we will assess the severity of your acne and set your treatment goals. Then, we will review your progress at a regular interval and tailor your treatment accordingly. It takes time to see results but for many, pimple treatment is a worthy investment.

Call us now for more information on acne treatment.


Includes the following:

Our Super Acne Program is ideal to treat:

✔ Oily skin with open pores

✔ Skin prone to pimple breakout

✔ Uneven skin tone with acne scars

Price is inclusive of doctor’s consult and discussion of treatment plan.


Dr Donna Chow, Medical Director, Arium Clinic

Dr Donna has more than 10 years of experience in the field of Aesthetics Medicine. She graduates with a medical degree from National University of Singapore and holds two post graduate diplomas in Family Medicine and Dermatology (Distinction).

She is certified by the Singapore Medical Council Aesthetic Procedures Oversight Committee in the administering aesthetics injections, chemical peels, lasers for pigmentation, skin resurfacing and hair removal, non surgical skin tightening treatments and non invasive body contouring treatment. Click here to read more about her.


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    I am a student and cannot afford treatment. Is acne treatment expensive?

    It depends on how severe the acne is and whether you intend to treat the scars much later. If the acne is mild, you can opt for simple treatment such as topical acne creams and LED treatment. If your condition is complicated with moderate to severe acne scars, you may need chemical peels and lasers which can be more expensive. The treatment goals tend to vary from patient to patient. Talk to our doctor to set your expectations and tell us your budget.

    Do I need to apply acne treatment creams daily

    Yes, you should. Daily application of creams work well to suppress oily skin, exfoliate the dead skin and clear the clogged pores. When used appropriately, it will work synergistically with chemical peels, LED or laser treatment. This is especially so when you may only come in for treatment once a week or once every 2 weeks. We also encourage all patients who are undergoing treatment to apply sunblock for best results.

    Are there any side effects when I undergo acne treatment?

    The common side effect experienced by most patients is dry skin. This is because acne treatment tends to reduce our oil secretion. A good treatment programme should include the use of a moisturiser to balance out the effect of dryness. Acne patients tend to avoid moisturiser and sunblock as they are under the impression that these products will clog more pores. This is a misconception. Do not worry if you experience minor side effects along the way. Our doctor will monitor your progress and advise you accordingly.

    How long will I see results from acne treatment?

    This depends on a number of factors such as the severity of your acne, your treatment option and compliance. Most patients will see positive improvement over a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Once you start to see results, you should continue treatment unless otherwise directed to stop. Our doctor will customise a maintenance regime to keep your skin acne free. However, some patients may still suffer from acne outbreaks at different life stages when their hormone levels fluctuate. These are the times when they need to return to review their condition and to restart treatment.

    Can you treat pimples on the body?

    Yes, we do. Pimples on the body require slightly different treatment. But the basis for treatment remains very much the same. As the affected areas are usually larger, they are better candidates for oral medication, chemical peels or LED treatment. The skin on the body also tends to react a little differently than on the face. Therefore, our doctor will need to assess your condition before giving you appropriate advice.

    What are your treatment options for acne scars?

    It depends on the types of acne scars you present with. Hyperpigmented (red or brown colour scars) will improve with lightening creams, chemical peels or pigment lasers. Hypertropic scars (raised ones) tend to respond to series of steroid injection. Atrophic scars (dented ones) will respond to subcision and laser skin resurfacing. There are also newer treatment options such as RF micro-needling and Rejuran scar injection. If you are in doubt over what type of acne scars you have, speak to our doctor to find out more.

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