Our eyes reveal our age
Over the past 2 years, we have gotten used to wearing face masks as we go about our daily routines. Behind our masks, our eyes are the first point of contact to the outside world. We convey feelings of happiness and sadness through our eyes. Besides our emotions, our eyes also reveal our age. More patients are concerned about taking good care of their eyes and starting aesthetics treatments to slow down aging.

Signs of aging is best captured by our eyes
How do our eyes age?
There are common tell tale signs of an aging eye. Droopy eyelids and undereye bags start to appear as our skin loses its firmness and become saggy. Wrinkles start to form around the eyes as visible crow’s feet when we smile. Tear trough and dark eye circles become more obvious as our eye sockets hollow out due to bone loss. Everyone ages at a slightly different pace. This goes the same even for twins with similar genetics.
Anti-ageing program for the eyes
To slow down the aging process, we recommend monthly programs such as Arium Radiant Eyelift 360 and Bright Eye Program. These two programs combine different lasers and skin tightening therapy to lift saggy skin and improve dark eye circles. Regular botox injections will help to reduce the formation of deep and fixed wrinkles around the eyes. Similarly, filler injection if given at the right places will stimulate collagen production and slow down volume loss.
Many people reject the idea of botox and filler injection to their eyes due to misinformation. Regular botox does not give a frozen look, but over-injection of botox does. The facial overfilled syndrome you see on some celebrities are often a result of poor injection technique, wrong placement or large amounts of filler being used. Fortunately, many of these hyaluronic fillers are not permanent and are reversible.

Using botox to lift up our brows
Botox brow lift – a lesser known treatment
Do you know botox can help to lift up your eyes? Botox brow lift is a treatment that helps to relax the muscles around the eyes. The injection points are often targeted along the eyebrow. This is different from botox injection for crow’s feet, which are targeted at the corners of our eyes. Botox browlift, combined with regular skin tightening treatment offers the best results for a subtle eye lift effect.
Slow but steady wins the race
A lot of patients expect quick results from non-invasive eye treatments. This may not be a realistic expectation. Surgical eyelift may give a more impressive result but our eye continues to age after surgery. Repetitive surgery to the delicate eye area may increases your risks of complications in the longer term. You should embark on a regular anti-aging eye program (including the daily use of a good eye cream) to delay the need for invasive surgery. Unfortunately, there is no short cut to this process. Do not delay treatment to your eye until it is too late to reverse the aging signs.
Watch our video on keeping our eyes young
Dr Donna will share information on how to keep our eyes young and provide simple eyecare tips in this video.
Call us now to find out how we can help you with keeping your eyes young.